kemegahan dan keindahan relief serta stupa diCandi Borobudur merupakan hal yang
didamba banyak orang. Salah satu waktu
terbaik untuk menikmati detil candi secara utuh adalah pagi hari sembari
menyaksikan matahari terbit di balik Gunung Merapi.
sekitar pukul 04.30 WIBberjalan kaki
dari Hotel Manohara menujuCandi Borobudur. Tak sampai 10
menit perjalanan, sudah berada di lorong candi yang dingin dan basah karena
embun pagi. Bintang terlihat bertaburan di langit fajar yang gelap kebiruan.
Suasana pagi terasa begitu hening dan tenang, jauh dari hiruk pikuk keramaian.
Beberapa wisatawan mancanegara duduk di tingkat ketiga, mereka terlihat begitu
menikmati segarnya udara pagi dan keheningan yang ada. Meski tidak ada jajaran
stupa seperti di tingkat 8 dan 9, tingkat 3 menjadi salah satu favorit
wisatawan untuk menyaksikan terbitnya matahari.
berapa lama muncul semburat cahaya dari balik Gunung Merapi. Matahari perlahan
muncul dan menebarkan cahaya ke segala penjuru. Sinar keemasan yang menerpa
patung Buddha dan lorong-lorong candi menghalau potret suram candi yang dingin
dan kaku dan mengantinya dengan kehangatan.
Tiket Masuk
Wisatawan Asing: Rp 450.000
Wisatawan Domestik: Rp 260.00
Fasilitas: senter (bisa dibawa pulang), snack, minuman hangat (kopi/teh), tiket masukCandi Borobudur
Petualangan Mengarungi Sungai Bawah Tanah yang Sarat Kisah
Menyusuri sungai menggunakan perahu karet merupakan hal yang
biasa, namun jika sungai itu mengalir di dalam gua tentu saja akan menjadi
petualangan yang mengasyikkan sekaligus menegangkan. Gua Pindul, salah satu gua
yang merupakan rangkaian dari 7 gua dengan aliran sungai bawah tanah yang ada
di Desa Bejiharjo, Karangmojo, menawarkan sensasi petualangan tersebut. Selama
kurang lebih 45 - 60 menit wisatawan akan diajak menyusuri sungai di gelapnya
perut bumi sepanjang 300 m menggunakan ban pelampung. Petualangan yang
memadukan aktivitas body rafting dan caving ini
dikenal dengan istilah cave tubing.
Tarif Masuk Goa :Rp. 35.000 / orang (minimal 5 orang). Fasilitas:Perlengkapan cave tubing, pemandu,
kudapan setelah pengarungan. Jam Buka:Senin - Minggu (pk 08.00 - 16.00
WIB). Segera Hubungi Kami
TheIjen volcano complexis a group ofstratovolcanoes, inEast Java,Indonesia.
It is inside a largercalderaIjen, which is about 20 kilometers wide. The Gunung Merapi
stratovolcano is the highest point of that complex. The name of this volcano
resembles that of a different volcano,Mount Merapiin centralJava, also known as
Gunung Merapi; there is also a third volcano namedMarapiin Sumatra. The name "Merapi" means "fire" in
the Indonesian language.
West of Gunung
Merapi is the Ijen volcano, which has a one-kilometer-wide turquoise-colored
acidcrater lake.
The lake is the site of a labor-intensivesulfurmining operation, in which sulfur-laden baskets are carried by
hand from the crater floor. Many other post-caldera cones and craters are
located within the caldera or along its rim. The largest concentration of post-caldera
cones forms an east/west-trending zone across the southern side of the caldera.
The active crater at Kawah Ijen has an equivalent radius of 361 metres
(1,184 ft), a surface of 0.41 square kilometres (0.16 sq mi). It
is 200 metres (660 ft) deep and has a volume of 36 cubic hectometres
(29,000 acre·ft).
In 2008, explorerGeorge Kourounistook a small rubber boat out onto the acid lake to measure its
acidity. ThepHof the water in the crater was measured to be 0.5 due to sulfuric acid.
Mining at Ijen
active vent at the edge of the lake is a source of elementalsulfur, and supports a mining operation. Escaping volcanic gasses are channeled
through a network of ceramic pipes, resulting in condensation of molten sulfur.
The sulfur, which is deep red in color when molten, pours slowly from the ends
of these pipes and pools on the ground, turning bright yellow as it cools. The
miners break the cooled material into large pieces and carry it away in
baskets. Miners must carry loads, which range from 75 kilograms (170 lb)
to 90 kilograms (200 lb), up 300 metres (980 ft) to the crater rim,
with a gradient of 45 to 60 degrees and then 3 kilometers (miles) down the
mountain for weighing. Most miners make this journey twice a day. A nearby
sugar refinery pays the miners by the weight of sulfur transported; as of
September 2010, the typical daily earnings were equivalent to approximately $13
US. The miners often use insufficient protection while working around the
volcano[2] and
complain of numerous respiratory afflictions. There are 200 miners which
extract 14 tons per day or only 20 percent of the daily continuously deposit.
Bima Tour & Travel
Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Office Address: Jl.Kusumanegara Gg manukberi No 56 Yogyakarta Indonesia Phone : +62 [274] – 42 814 57 /Mobile +6285100411108